Wednesday, February 17, 2010

LIfe moves pretty fast...

If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. -F.B.

Much the same could be said for blogging. Ry has inspired me to put down some thoughts. My life has been distilled into nursing, napping, eating and showering with an occasional load of laundry or vacuuming endeavor. You have no idea how proud I am when I accomplish one of these small tasks.
I was initially very overwhelmed by the 24/7 parent thing, but I am getting more used to it. I am certainly getting better at doing things one handed while juggling a bobble headed infant. She's pretty funny. We are her slaves. I am hoping this won't last long. I am attempting to appreciate all this "free time" I have with her because the Government says I get pregnancy disability pay for 6 weeks only and then it is back to work. Seems an awfully short time to me. Luckily, I am able to go back on a part time basis initially, so I won't be away from her too long at a time.
I figure I'll go back to work right when she moves from glazed eye lump to interactive charmer.
Everyone told me to "sleep now while you can". Ha! Even with the waking every three hours at night, I am sleeping much better now than I was when I was 41 weeks + pregnant. (Don't need nearly as many pillows either.)
I was happy (in retrospect) that I was able to deliver her without the epidural, but apparently not as happy as Ry. He told me he was at a bar the other day relating the story of her birth and everyone was floored that I did it without drugs. Much in the same way that people couldn't believe that we did not find out the gender before her birth. What can I say? We're rebels.
I can make a resolution to keep this updated, but the best I can shoot for is more than once a quarter.
I'll try to keep you posted.